

A Breath of fresh air


Join us...

Like most guys, and probably like you, I'd heard about Yoga and been told that it's great for you, but I never got round to trying it and I didn't really know where to start.
Years of waking up every day with a bad back, promising myself I was going to do something.
I was "definitely going to try yoga or pilates" or stretching or "some-other-thing" that I knew would help me and my poor old back.
So, did i?....of course I didn't. I was far too busy, far too stiff and far too bloody scared of actually trying it.

The thought of going to a Yoga studio full of super flexible lycra-clad Ladies and cool tattoo covered Yoga dudes scared the hell out of me, as it does most people.
There was no way I was going make myself look daft..... and anyway, I was far too stiff to do Yoga, so that was that.
When I finally went to a class, I realised that everyone there was far too busy concentrating on what they were doing to even give me a second look.
No one was watching me, it wasn't full of tattoo covered cool dudes, and some of the ladies (I found out later) were even more self-conscious that I was. But more importantly..... it was great fun and made me feel amazing.
It changed my body and the way I was able to move, my back no longer hurt and the stress relief felt unbelievable.
After many years practicing yoga myself, I wanted to share just how amazing it was with other guys and get more men doing Yoga, so I began the long journey of becoming a Yoga teacher.
And now what an absolute pleasure it is to teach and guide people through their practice and on their journey.

Feeling apprehensive and nervous before your first class is quite normal and everyone feels those things at some point.
But once you realise that people there are far too busy focussing on what they're doing to be worrying about what you're can really relax and enjoy the class. There's no stress, no ego's and no pressure to be anything other than yourself.

Our classes are perfect for complete beginners or those who practice regularly.
We incorporate different styles of yoga to create simple & accessible movements that help to stretch and also strengthen the body.

Using our breath in time with our movement, we are able to focus and listen to what our body wants and needs.
This helps us to create more space and freedom of movement within the body, it releases tension and allows our energy to flow more freely.
And as for the stress's absolute winner.

We also incorporate various breathing techniques, including the Wim Hoff method, to reduce stress levels — which can help with conditions like anxiety and depression. The power of the breath really is quite amazing.

All of our sessions finish with guided relaxation in the form of a Savasana.
So, what is Savasana?
We find a comfortable position laying down on our backs, eyes closed, arms resting gently by our sides,
A blanket or warm clothing helps us to stay warm and relaxed, then we begin to allow the body and the mind to settle and find some calm.
You are guided through the relaxation, working through each part of the body, from the feet all the way up to the head, coming to a place of complete relaxation.
Savasana is a great way to calm the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure and improve sleep.

Yoga will change the way you feel and the way you move.
It's amazing for your mental health, which is really important as we try to deal with the stresses of life.

We put huge amounts of pressure on ourselves to be successful, richer, slimmer, to the best partner, the best friend, the best father or son that we can be.
But, if you want to be there and present for the ones you love, and for the ones that love you... you need to take care of yourself.

It's time to take care of you.

Join us-

Please feel free to email with any questions you may have or for private bookings. Email

We practice onTuesday nights 7pm at Inner Bloom yoga studio, Golding Barn raceway, Small dole. BN5 9XH

To book your place, click the "Book Now" button.
Then either sign in or create an account with "Studio bookings online". Safe and simple.

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